Thursday, February 09, 2006


Catch Up Time

I haven't been able to get things down for a bit, so here are some random thoughts at the moment...

Steelers Win!!!!
'nuff said.

The County has recently decided to cut off access to certain sites. Among these are sites for personal e-mail. To a degree, I understand this. I would have less of a problem with it if over the last five years I had a freaking e-mail account with the county so I didn't have to do business at my own personal address. Now, they want to "assure the integrity of the system" so I have to go to another computer to do county related stuff because I am not going to e-mail 50 people saying "Oh, now you have to use this address because the county thinks I'm a f-ing idiot and will down load viruses."
They also have stopped putting A:drives in the computers. I can't get to many of the things I used on a regular basis because of the "security issues." I could download a file to my disk and take it home with me. But I can't do that now. I'll just have to e-mail it to my regular account.

February has set in with the usual vengeance. January was kind to us but it appears that the second month will not be so kind. They're calling for snow and cold and other nasty stuff soon. But pitchers and catchers report in just three weeks. Spring is not far off.

The last three times I bought a car, it took less than a month before some misfotune hit it. When I got the Beetle (which Mom technically bought) about a month later somebody backed into it at the employee lot at Kennywood. I then bought the Citation, a nice car, nothing much. While driving home from Connellsville to Latrobe on a majorly snowy day, I took the long way. All major highways, no back roads. About a month after I bought the car. As I was cruising down the highway at a stately 25, a Trooper began to veer into my lane. I hit the brakes. I hit the guardrail. When I got the wagon, I knew to be careful. So as I was coming back from Connellsville around the same time after I bought the car, an Ice storm hit. The wagon got to the hill before the salt truck did. I left off the brake at the top of the hill and stopped in the ditch beside the telephone pole. I recently (in December(yeah I know winter plays apart in this)), bought a new vehicle. I didn't drive it too much for multiple reasons: gas prices, weather, not needing to. I made it past a month. However, this past week, the curse struck again. I pulled into the lot behind my building. There sat a car, sitting in the aisle between parking spots. He had his reverse lights on. I pulled over to the side away from where I intended to park, giving him room to back up. He did. Just not straight. His side mirror hit the side of the car, knocking the mirror off and putting a mark on mine. Thankfully it wasn't major, as he wasn't going more than 5-10 mph. But it hit my new car. S***! At least I made it six weeks this time.

Pitt plays WVU this evening. I hope they don't get Pitsnoggled. But the boy can play ball. Since it's at Pitt, I think they'll win. But not by much.

Oh, by the way on the Super Bowl, did I say six? I meant 11.

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