Friday, November 25, 2005


A blog is a wonderful thing...

because it gives you the chance to put out there what you want put out there.

It gives you the chance to look like a genius. Or an idiot.

It allows you to show how deep you can think. Or how shallow.

It also gives the chance for the world to see how much you have to say. Or how little.

I didn't realize how little I wanted to say over the last many days. I had lots of opinions, just not that many I thought to go out over the e-waves with. Part of that is because I haven't really cared to. Part of it because I sat here in front of the screen and couldn't think of what to go on about for 100 words or so.

The business has heated up lately at work, so I'm sure that I'm going to have plenty of thoughts coming up. Some of them aren't fit for public consumption. Some of them are barely fit to recognize and move on.

Maybe I'll get better at sharing. Maybe not.

As I write this the smoooooth sounds of a Buffett song waft through the air around me. I've been listening to his music more lately. Maybe, just maybe that's taking some of the edge off the world. Maybe I need to be listening to the news more. That would put the edge back on.

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