Saturday, September 17, 2005


At least hope springs eternal

The Bucs played a double header against the Reds last night. They managed to win one of the games. While their record is still horrible, there is hope. They have brought up some of the players from the minors this season and many of them are turning out to be pretty good ball -players. If they can continue to develop, a big if in Pirates' history, they may turn into a good ball team down the road.

I admit I was a Lloyd McClendon supporter so I was mildly surprised when he got fired while I was on vacation. He did have all the chances to show what he could do over the years. Unfortunately what he was able to do was take a team that could play .500 ball for a big chunk of the season and then lose 25 of 30 games, taking a good team and turning it into one that's 20 games below even. I hope he makes out okay but it was probably a good decision to let him go.

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