Thursday, May 26, 2005


Pop Culture Notes

I usually don't pay attention to what's big in pop culture, although just through osmosis I know more than I really want to, but yesterday I was sitting at the club when one of those entertainment news shows came on.

I noticed that the big story was about the Amber Fry movie. Here is woman who's only claim to fame is that she screwed a married man who later killed his wife and unborn son.

The next story was about Mary Kay Latourno. It was a big to-do about her marrying. She is the child molester. The story was about how this woman who sexually assaulted a 12 year old boy is now marrying the victim of the crime that she spent eight years in jail for.

Another story was about how the couple who hooked up on a desert island while on Survivor, then later traipsed about the globe as an unmarried couple on the great race are now going to have another go around on TV as they prepare to marry.

Still another story was about whether or not Brad Pitt has knocked up Angelina Joilie. Or maybe Ben Affleck has knocked up Jennifer Garner. And neither of those couples are married either.

So of all the stories that I had the chance to notice, the only one dealing with sex inside of marriage is about the child molester marrying her victim. The illegitimacy rates in this country are going through the roof. Half of babies born in the country are to single mothers, and in minority communities it is as high as 80%.

I wonder if there is a connection.

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