Sunday, May 01, 2005


The old homestead

I talked with my mom the other evening. She is planning to put the house up for sale.


I never thought that the home where I grew up might someday belong to somebody else.

I haven't lived there for almost nine years. Even Mom hasn't lived there for years (my sister is there now); it just seems strange that a nonfamily member might be there.
I'm not sure what to think.I know that it is just a structure of brick and mortar that has no meaning other than what is prescribed to it, but...damn.

Of course I also realize that one of the reasons that I don't like the idea is because that now I'll have to get the rest of my stuff out of there. I ain't got the room for all my crap now, and mom is making me take the rest of it. That might be her revenge for when I wrecked the car.

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