Friday, April 15, 2005


Tax Day

I'm so happy that today is the day that I get to send my money to Washington, DC so they can spend it for me. THey can spend it on neat things like the Rock & Roll hall of Fame, Steam Engine museums, studies on why slugs mate the way they do, the "Robert Byrd what ever the hell he's naming after himself this week, " junket trips to wonderful locales like Singapore, Antartica, Hong Kong and Tahiti, the quest to remove God from everything, the UN, BArbara boxer and Ted Kennedy lecturing the country on ethiccs and other interesting such stuff. I probably would have spent my money the same way if I didn't have to send it to the IRS.

Or I would have gotten something useful, like food.

The good news is that Washington doesn't get all my tax money. I get to send some to Harrisburg too. That way Eddie Rendell can send it to Pittsburgh and Philadelphia so they can lose...oops, I mean, invest, it in things like mass transit anad crooked unions.

Ain't tax day nice.

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