Saturday, April 30, 2005



I'm not one of those people who go about telling a lot of other people about my personal life. I will talk about myself at a surface to not-too-deep level, but don't go out of my way to tell everything that's going on.

As such, it's not unusual for somebody to ask me a question about old news. Somebody will ask me about how so and so is and I have to tell them that I really haven't had any contact with that person for a while. They look shocked, and then embarrassed, and I feel sort of stupid as well.

I guess I sort of rely on the grape vine to pass along information, and when it doesn't I feel ambivalent. One the one hand I wish the word had gotten through. On the other hand I'm glad that I'm not the grist for the gossip mill.

I guess that it's a situation where I would prefer the best of both worlds, and am disappointed when I don't get it the way I want.

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